Altovise is featured presenter at St. Petersburg College Police Workshop
On September 20, Altovise Love-Craighead was a featured presenter at a police workshop at St. Petersburg College in Clearwater, Fl. The workshop co-organized by the Department of Justice and St. Petersburg College, Center for Public Safety Innovation was presented to executive level police officers throughout Florida.
Altovise and her colleague Linda J. Rich from the Drexel University College of Medicine, presented a full day session detailing information and research on how trauma works, its effects on individuals and groups, and on those charged with providing critical services to the public.
Participants received tools that will assist administrators, law enforecement practitioners, and victims-assistance providers in dealing with crime victims, witnesses, and communities in crisis. In addition, participants were also provided with best practices and tools to examine, assess and/or develop more focused crime reduction strategies in communities.